Sunday, May 31, 2009

Star Trek

Went to go see the new Star Trek. I stumbled across this pic of the previous "James T Kirk" and just had to post it...

Mom and I went to go see it over Memorial Day weekend. Dad was always a big Star Trek fan and I, in turn, became one too. I haven't see all of the original Star Trek TV series episodes (before my time of interest) but I've seen most everything since. All of the motion pictures and the Next Generation TV series for a while.

The new Star Trek was a great movie. I enjoyed the re-casting of the characters. Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu and Chekov all did great jobs. Aside from the nostalgia of the characters; the plot, action and graphics were all very entertaining. This movie certainly lays the groundwork for another generation of Trekies.

When available on DVD, I will be making the purchase....

One note, this is one of the few science fiction movies that made the "in space" scenes slient. That usually doesn't make for good movies and it is something they only did a few times, but I certainly noticed it and appriciated it. Also, there is quite a bit of fighting in the movie, it certainly earned it's PG-13 rating.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, enjoyed it--for me and Dad. It will be a special day for me.
